If you decide to use a social media platform for your business for either exposure, lead generation or advertising you need to post on a consistent basis. Don’t just post when you have an event or something to sell. Think about it, is there a person you know, who every time you see them they have something to sell, something they want you to do for them or maybe they’re always talking about themselves. After a while you try to avoid that person. Social media is after all social. At a social function you talk about the latest trends, ask what they thought about… or tell them about your latest find that’s making life/work better for you. Do the same on social media platforms. Each platform has it’s own acceptable behavior/etiquette, they’re all different so learn what’s applicable for the one your using. Many people just see this as another overwhelming task and avoid it while others have learned to leverage tools like HootSuite to schedule social media posts.

Whether you use HootSuite or other service like Buffer or Tweetdeck, develop a system that works best for you. My friend Eric, The RE Coach  makes it a part of his morning routine, while drinking his coffee, he reads various blogs and schedules the day with things he found valuable and wants to share with others. When I’m on top of things, I like to schedule a week in advance. Some people schedule a months worth. You can still do live posting as you see something in addition your scheduled posts or comment and interact with others. As for what to post that’s a topic for a different blog post. Just keep in mind being consistent and share things that will bring value to the lives of your followers/potential customers. You are creating the KLT (Know, Like, Trust) factor.
This links to a YouTube video

How to Schedule Social Media Updates with Hootsuite